Monday, March 22, 2010

3.3.3 - John... Madden?

It's looking an awful lot like 3.3.3 is going to go live this Tuesday.  With it come a few feral changes, two of which affect cat DPS:

  • Mangle: The debuff from this talent now lasts 60 seconds, up from 12 seconds.
  • Glyph of Mangle: This glyph now provides 10% increased damage done by Mangle instead of increasing the duration of the debuff.
These changes are really, really significant for about 50% of raiding ferals, and barely noticeable for the other 50.  They are also a boon to ferals who play more in small groups, PVPers, and positive for leveling as well.

Haha, bitch duty
The main effect of this change, though, is to catch the raiding ferals who don't have a manglebot up with those who do.  No other class has their gameplay or their damage change quite as much as a cat without somebody else keeping the 30% bleed debuff going, and apparently Blizzard agreed that it was a little punishing.  So now, those poor unfortunate cats who hitherto have been responsible for their own debuffs will only have to mangle one fifth as much.  The rest of us?  We'll notice absolutely no change at all.

But what does this mean for their DPS?

Yawning of course updated Toskk's Calculator almost immediately.  For my own stats and raid buffs, direct comparison to the live mechanics reports a mere 135 DPS gain.  A more modestly-geared feral, say in the pre-raid BIS set, sees about 100 DPS difference.  So, it's there, it's measurable, but it's also fairly minor.  The former set is good for more than 11k in the calculator's idealised and averaged universe, the latter around 9k.  100 DPS either way is small potatoes.  Real-world, I would expect to see more, because nobody is perfect at refreshing their mangle exactly on the 12-second mark.  Sometimes it drops, sometimes you have to clip it a little, so I'm guessing people could even see 200-300 more DPS, depending on their mangle-refreshing skills prior to the change.

But really the primary effect of this change is increased quality-of-life (and, on encounters with void zones, sometimes duration-of-life) for ferals on "bitch duty".  It means you only have to watch ONE short-duration timer.  It means less planning ahead, and pooling energy is a little less vital, because you won't drop mangle as much.  And it turns getting your three shreds per rip from a "maybe" to a "definitely" even when the clearcast procs aren't flowing.  Yeah, you still have to keep Mangle up, but it's so much easier now.  If you've never had a manglebot before, welcome to the club.

Improved Mangle vs. Feral Aggression
"Hang on", you say.  "If we're only mangling once a minute now, doesn't that make Improved Mangle terrible for anything but soloing?".  Well, yes and no.

Now that it's a savings of a whole 6 energy per minute, well, that's pretty awful.  A direct comparison with Feral Aggression in Toskk's yields:

Live Improved Mangle:DPS = 160.9683 (53.6561 per Talent Point)
Feral Aggression:DPS = 125.303 (25.0606 per Talent Point)
3.3.3 Improved Mangle:DPS = 29.4166 (9.8055 per Talent Point)

Or barely a SIXTH of its original value, and just over a third of the value per point of FA.  And if every fight in ICC was Festergut, I would be standing on the deck of the R.M.S. Improved Mangle, ringing the bells, throwing out lifejackets, and yelling ABANDON SHIP!

But plenty of ferals who usually expect to have a manglebot now, including myself, keep Improved Mangle anyway.  For every Festergut, there's also a Dreamwalker, where the talent's savings come not from buff maintenance, but from applying mangle to a new target on every switch.  Then there are those who do dailies and other soloing, never mind other personal niche uses like running BGs without respeccing.  So not all ferals will be moving those three points over.  However, it will no longer be part of the "optimal" single-target build.

Ultimately, which of the two you take will come down to your personal preference, based on the content you're doing, what you enjoy doing outside of raids, and how much you care about your DPS on add fights.  Either way, we're probably talking about a 100 DPS difference in a *perfect* situation, so keep that in mind - leaving it because you're lazy is perfectly fine.

A question that came up all the time on the forums after the new Glyph of Mangle was announced was "is Manglespam viable now?  Well, Manglespam has always been "viable".  By "viable" I mean "demonstrably a lot worse than using Shred correctly, but still capable of passable DPS".  But the answer here might surprise you - despite the new glyph, the difference in pure DPS output in 3.3.3 has hardly changed.  Yes, Mangle does more damage with the new version of the glyph.  But this is offset almost exactly by the increase in DPS gained by a Shred build not having to Mangle as much.  The only situation in which the DPS gap has narrowed appreciably is in the presence of a manglebot, and in THAT situation, it's just as easy to shred as it is to mangle, so there's no reason to take the option that does 500 DPS less.

So if anything, the 3.3.3 changes have made manglespam LESS attractive for raid DPS.

Oh, and it's a myth that you get more FBs with manglespam than shred.  Yes, you get more CPs.  But you also spend them faster, and actually get just slightly less per Rip cycle.  A 16-second Rip will contain around 6 CP-generating abilities, while a 22-second one will fit about 7.  The final outcome for me is about 0.53 bites per rip with shred, 0.29 with mangle - about two bites difference per 6-minute static boss fight, in shred's favour.

Don't buff me, bro!
Of course, druids being druids, there were quite a few people who found reason to argue AGAINST what is undeniably a no-strings buff.  "You're dumbing us down!", they said.  "We LIKE our carpal tunnel-inducing cycles!  We're not Retardins!".  And this is all well and good - feral IS, in my opinion, so much fun to play (and to theorycraft) because it's not a fixed rotation, or cooldown whack-a-mole.  But, well, all that was needed was to track the post history of some of the most vocal complainers to find the posts saying "I have an arms warrior in my raids...", or "I really love having a bear tank in my group".  Mmm, if there's one thing that I really dislike in people, it's internal inconsistency.

I've honestly never heard a single druid complain about having a mangle bot.  Nobody has ever said "damn it, bear tank, that means I don't need to mangle... faceroll ftl".  I've never heard "hey, can you go fury so I can do my own mangle?".  No, it's all "sweet! trauma!  <3".  And that's all this buff does - it puts druids without a mangle bot on approximately level footing with druids who have one.  Arguing against it is unfair - you're saying "because you choose to raid with guild A, you should have a harder cycle than an identical druid raiding with guild B, because they have different makeups" - and frankly retarded.  Feral DPS is still plenty challenging - just ask those of us who've been raiding with manglebots since Wrath launched and still got one-shot plenty by void zones because keeping all our balls in the air* gave us awful tunnel vision : /

* Not, you know, literally.  I let at least two of my balls rest comfortably while I raid.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. You have more than two balls too? No way

  3. The manglebots I've had have always been completely fail at keeping mangle up, so having a manglebot usually does piss me off.
    "WTF this guy can't keep mangle up for crap, and it always goes away at a bad time!"

  4. Demon writes posts up better than I do.

    I am jealous.

  5. So nice to read a blog with good grammar and spelling!

    (Also kind of on the humorous side.)

  6. Great post and I love the analysis. I've had ferals swear that the difference between having a Manglebot or not is on the order of 1.5K-2K dps, which always struck me as absurd when you actually plug in the AP numbers. Seeing that the difference from this change is only give to give about 200-300dps makes a lot more sense.

    As a more of a feral pvp'er, I am more interested in where the crossover lies for pvp'ers switching to Manglespam with the new glyph. You once posted something about the dpe between Shred and the new iMangle and I'm curious as to how much of an overall dps improvement I can see by switching to an iMangle build based on my actual Mangle:Shred ratio.

  7. All having to mangle right now means is conserving some energy for when you need it, and using mangle 5 times per minute. With a manglebot, the 170 energy you spend doing that can be spent on shred instead. So you trade 5 mangles for 4 shreds, essentially. Given the expected value of my mangle (~8.4k, including crit rate) and my shred (~12.6k), that's an extra 8.4k per minute, or 140 DPS. If it's significantly more than that, they're doing it wrong.

    As for your PVP question, I'm not SUPER-qualified to comment on PVP, as I basically just don't do it. But I can talk about DPE anyway. It's, uh, it's 10% higher than it was without the glyph?
    No, seriously. Glyphed mangle is now 264% + 747. DPE becomes 7.76% + 22. Mangled bleeding shred (incidentally easier to use now because the target stays mangled) is 8.36% + 24.7. Shred's always going to outperform mangle, but you'll do a little more damage when someone has their back to a wall now. I don't know what else to really say, though, because my experience in serious PVP is absolutely nil.

  8. What I mean is something along the lines of:

    p = % of Mangles in (Mangles+Shreds)
    M = Mangle 3.3.2 dmg for a specific AP
    M' = Mangle 3.3.3 dmg
    S = Shred dmg

    Total dmg for Shreds+Mangles pre-3.3.3 is therefore pM+(1-p)S. Similarly, post-3.3.3 dmg is pM'+(1-p)S

    For any given AP, what is the value of p for:

    M’ = pM+(1-p)S

    The assumption, of course, is that a Manglespam build does not Shred so p=1. This allows pM’+(1-p)S to simplify to M’.

    With that, a player could look at his AP and how frequently he can Shred vs Mangle in pvp (available via Recount) and then decide whether respeccing from a Shred build to an Improved Mangle build will boost his overall damage.

    (sorry for the deleted posts, but couldn’t edit...)

  9. Oh right, I see what you were asking.
    Looks like you pretty much solved it yourself :P

    From there it's obviously plug-and-chug. You've obviously got it, but for everyone else, you end up with the answer being the ratio of the differences in damage between mangle and shred, and glyphed mangle and shred.
    p = (S - M`) / (S - M)

    Could be further substituted to use AP in the formula - p = (0.0621 * AP + 339.7) / (0.0793 * AP + 420.58)

    So for instance at 8k AP, if your mangle/shred ratio is 4:1 or greater, go with manglespam + glyph of mangle.

    Of course that's all napkin math as I run out the door. People should feel free to check my arithmetic and analyze any confounding factors, of course.

  10. Great reads! Happy to add another (rare) kitty blog to my roll :D

  11. More posts please!
